

• Chefs who are sending cooks to this relief effort would be asked to contribute a small dollar amount to help pay for housing; in a dorming situation, the amount would be based on the length of stay.

• New Orleans (host) restaurant chefs/owners would pay securities and utilities along with providing beds, bedding, extra furniture if necessary. $500, would be assessed to New Orleans restaurant owners, a one time deal, after securing at least one cook.

• Travel expenses would be the responsibility of the out of town chef and visiting relief cook.

• Salaries or wages for incoming cooks shall be negotiated, however it should be assumed that the cooks will be paid (by the host restaurant) the same wages, or very comparable to the wages the cook earned in his home restaurant.

The expense for all parties concerned may seem formidable, but if you consider the expense of some of the one time gala dinners or fund raisers that take place in other cities, we're talking about the same expense for a "real" contribution.


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